Sunday, November 18, 2012

Potty Training Riley

So I decided to go for it and see how it went! I am sooo proud to say that she is potty trained fully both pee and number 2! It took about 3 days total! She just turned two in September so I am very proud of her! I did a lot of reading and asking for advice. I must say I did my own thing took little bits from each thing and combined them all!! Day One NO MORE PULLUPS! I hid them.. Just in case she was not ready I did not want to throw them away....... I set the alarm for every 15mins and took her in the bathroom and had her sit even if she did not have to go I still had her sit on it to get in the routine. Seems crazy right??? But it worked..... Other people gave snacks or candy to their child for going on the potty... as much as I love rewarding positive behavior.... I DID NOT want to do this because I do not want her thinking that she gets a candy EVERY TIME she goes on the potty.... and this is something my daughter would try to do!!!! So day two undies all day and had just 2 accidents.... day three and four....... NO ACCIDENTS!!!!!!!! I know there will be some along the way but right now.... I am sooooo happy I am down to just buying diapers for LuLu.... is it just me or is it soooooo cute to see your baby's booty in panties..... It is just the cutest thing ever!!!!! Such a big girl now!!!!!

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