Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sushi and Soy Sauce

I thought it would be funny to dress up this year as something matching for the kids Halloween party that my cousin and I always have! I am soo happy that David was such a great sport when it came to my crazy idea this year! With David being Asian and LOVING Sushi so much... I thought it would be cute to go as sushi and a bottle of soy Sauce! Here is the finished product!!!!!

Riley and LuLu's Owl Costumes

I decided to dress the girls the same this year but make them a little different! This is probably my last year to pick out Riley's costume for her!!! I got the idea for Riley's owl costume on pinterest and made it with my own colors! Lulu's I did on my own but copied the hat from the picture on pinterest!

 I made Alexis' out of a bigger shirt and cut the sleeves off! I cut and cut and cut out felt feathers and glued them on starting at the bottom and over lapping to the top. I made the hat out of felt and hot glued the whole thing! I bought a long sleeve purple shirt and tights to go under it and finished it with some look a like ugg boots!!!
 I cut out a felt cape and did the same as the other one just cut lots of felt feathers and glued them on! I attached a ribbon to keep the cape closed. I found after the 1st time of wearing it that it kept turning when she to fix this I hot glued the cape to the undershirt right on her shoulders and it worked GREAT!!! Also she kept taking her hat off so I added ribbon to that as well to tie under her chin :) Silly RiRi!!

Our Baby LuLu

School Costume

Noah was allowed to dress up at school but there were some restrictions! No face paints, no hair coloring, and it HAD to be a storybook character. Since we had a blast at the Dr Seuss Birthday party... we decided he would be the Cat in the Hat!

I bought...(from walmart....seeing the trend there lol)..... black hanes sweat pants and sweatshirt! Cut out a big piece of white felt and hot glued it to the sweatshirt! I made a big red bow and glued that as well too!!! We used a leftover hat from the party and waallaa..... a costume for school for about $10!!!

Well...... I wanted the real "cat in the hat" hat so with the left over felt I decided to make a stovepipe hat out of it..... Noah was SUPER tired lol and I had him try on this hat before he went to bed.... Yes its ok to laugh at this picture because I did too!!!!!!
Ok so that hat was like REALLY tall!!! I guess I got a little tooo excited about it! I used hot glue for all of this as well!!! I did NOT feel like using my sewing machine this year haha!!! So in order to stand it up and keep it up... I carefully hot glued wooden rods on the inside just enough to make it stand up! 

Noah had a blast at his school party and his costume was a hit!!!!


We wanted to paint pumpkins this year..... or as Riley calls them.... PUNKAS!!!! LOL.... My kids do not like the innards of the pumpkin......maybe we can try next year! Miss Riley LOVES Hello Kitty right now so that is what we went with for her! Noah could  not make up his mind so we decided to do a Ninja Turtle. We did not do one for Alexis but she still had a pumpkin!  So here are the finished products!

Riley's Hello Kitty

We painted her pumpkin white.... we used acrylic craft paint but the bottle said for outdoor! She was white from head to toe!!!! I had to go back and put a second coat on for her! Then I used my best friend felt for all the accessories! I hot glued the whiskers, eyes, and nose straight onto the pumpkin! For the hat I pre made that with felt and some leftover ribbon I had from another project! Placed that right over the stem of the pumpkin! I then cut out ears and glued them to bbq skewers LOL!!! They stuck right into the pumpkin and worked great!!!!

Noah's Ninja Turtle

Noah painted his whole pumpkin green even the stem using the same type of paint we used on Riley's! He did a great job and I only touch up the bottom parts! I traced a mask out of red felt and let him cut it out....same with the eyes!!!! While he was doing that I painted the mouth on! When he was finished i hot glued the mask to the pumpkin and BAM... his ninja turtle was finished!!!! 

They turned out adorable didn't they???

Much better than cleaning out the guts and not to mention the mess!!! I will give it a go next year about actually carving them but I think I will continue to paint as well because they are just oohh sooo cute and fun!!!!

Noah The Joker

Noah wanted to be the joker this year! I wanted to hand make all of my kids' costumes this year so I looked and looked for a white suit that I could dye purple...with no luck..... I decided to to make one! I made the NO SEW...yes is said no sew.....costume with felt and a hot glue gun!!!!!  Here are the supplies I used

2yards of purple felt
1/2 yard of green felt
purple gloves(from walmart)
Orange undershirt (already had at home)
Black dress shoes ($11 at walmart)
4 purple buttons
3 green buttons
Green hair dye (washable in a spraycan)
White, black, and red face paint

I took an old pair of pajama pants and cut them to use as a pattern for the pants. Made them a little wider because felt does not have any stretch to it! I hot glued them together to make the pants!

For the Vest I used a vest from home and traced around it to get the pattern...( yes I did all this free hand and did not buy ANY patterns lol... just used stuff from home)..... hot glue the top and sides together... Also glue three buttons on the front and cut matching slits on the otherside to match the buttons so the vest would actually close. Sorry hard to follow??? I did not take pictures as I went along!

For the jacket.......well......haha...... I totally free handed this. I took the vest and somewhat used this as a pattern but made is wider and waaayy longer. Free handed the sleeves and attached with hot glue!!!! Added a collar to my liking and 4 buttons! No need to worry about button holes because this did not need to close!!!!

I even made the tie from felt!!!! Totally just cut a piece to look like a tie glue it to another piece and tied around his neck!

I am shocked to see that this costume actually turned out for me!!! He loved it and so did everyone else!!!!!!! He got soo many compliments from this!!!!

Wondering if this costume held up with just the glue??? That was my question too!!!! Well the answer is yes....... This costume lasted through a Halloween party, an indoor event on another night......AND....trick or treating! My son is very very active and it held through all of that and is still going strong!!!! I am so happy with the way it turned out not to mention it only cost about $22 for everything!