Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We wanted to paint pumpkins this year..... or as Riley calls them.... PUNKAS!!!! LOL.... My kids do not like the innards of the pumpkin......maybe we can try next year! Miss Riley LOVES Hello Kitty right now so that is what we went with for her! Noah could  not make up his mind so we decided to do a Ninja Turtle. We did not do one for Alexis but she still had a pumpkin!  So here are the finished products!

Riley's Hello Kitty

We painted her pumpkin white.... we used acrylic craft paint but the bottle said for outdoor! She was white from head to toe!!!! I had to go back and put a second coat on for her! Then I used my best friend felt for all the accessories! I hot glued the whiskers, eyes, and nose straight onto the pumpkin! For the hat I pre made that with felt and some leftover ribbon I had from another project! Placed that right over the stem of the pumpkin! I then cut out ears and glued them to bbq skewers LOL!!! They stuck right into the pumpkin and worked great!!!!

Noah's Ninja Turtle

Noah painted his whole pumpkin green even the stem using the same type of paint we used on Riley's! He did a great job and I only touch up the bottom parts! I traced a mask out of red felt and let him cut it out....same with the eyes!!!! While he was doing that I painted the mouth on! When he was finished i hot glued the mask to the pumpkin and BAM... his ninja turtle was finished!!!! 

They turned out adorable didn't they???

Much better than cleaning out the guts and not to mention the mess!!! I will give it a go next year about actually carving them but I think I will continue to paint as well because they are just oohh sooo cute and fun!!!!

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