Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Noah The Joker

Noah wanted to be the joker this year! I wanted to hand make all of my kids' costumes this year so I looked and looked for a white suit that I could dye purple...with no luck..... I decided to to make one! I made the NO SEW...yes is said no sew.....costume with felt and a hot glue gun!!!!!  Here are the supplies I used

2yards of purple felt
1/2 yard of green felt
purple gloves(from walmart)
Orange undershirt (already had at home)
Black dress shoes ($11 at walmart)
4 purple buttons
3 green buttons
Green hair dye (washable in a spraycan)
White, black, and red face paint

I took an old pair of pajama pants and cut them to use as a pattern for the pants. Made them a little wider because felt does not have any stretch to it! I hot glued them together to make the pants!

For the Vest I used a vest from home and traced around it to get the pattern...( yes I did all this free hand and did not buy ANY patterns lol... just used stuff from home)..... hot glue the top and sides together... Also glue three buttons on the front and cut matching slits on the otherside to match the buttons so the vest would actually close. Sorry hard to follow??? I did not take pictures as I went along!

For the jacket.......well......haha...... I totally free handed this. I took the vest and somewhat used this as a pattern but made is wider and waaayy longer. Free handed the sleeves and attached with hot glue!!!! Added a collar to my liking and 4 buttons! No need to worry about button holes because this did not need to close!!!!

I even made the tie from felt!!!! Totally just cut a piece to look like a tie glue it to another piece and tied around his neck!

I am shocked to see that this costume actually turned out for me!!! He loved it and so did everyone else!!!!!!! He got soo many compliments from this!!!!

Wondering if this costume held up with just the glue??? That was my question too!!!! Well the answer is yes....... This costume lasted through a Halloween party, an indoor event on another night......AND....trick or treating! My son is very very active and it held through all of that and is still going strong!!!! I am so happy with the way it turned out not to mention it only cost about $22 for everything!

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