Wednesday, October 31, 2012

School Costume

Noah was allowed to dress up at school but there were some restrictions! No face paints, no hair coloring, and it HAD to be a storybook character. Since we had a blast at the Dr Seuss Birthday party... we decided he would be the Cat in the Hat!

I bought...(from walmart....seeing the trend there lol)..... black hanes sweat pants and sweatshirt! Cut out a big piece of white felt and hot glued it to the sweatshirt! I made a big red bow and glued that as well too!!! We used a leftover hat from the party and waallaa..... a costume for school for about $10!!!

Well...... I wanted the real "cat in the hat" hat so with the left over felt I decided to make a stovepipe hat out of it..... Noah was SUPER tired lol and I had him try on this hat before he went to bed.... Yes its ok to laugh at this picture because I did too!!!!!!
Ok so that hat was like REALLY tall!!! I guess I got a little tooo excited about it! I used hot glue for all of this as well!!! I did NOT feel like using my sewing machine this year haha!!! So in order to stand it up and keep it up... I carefully hot glued wooden rods on the inside just enough to make it stand up! 

Noah had a blast at his school party and his costume was a hit!!!!

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